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Utekaji Na Vitisho Kwa Wafanyabiashara - Mpango Wa Nini Huu?

#MariaSpaces  #WenyeNchiWananchi #KatibaMpya #ChangeTanzania 

Utekaji wa wananchi na viongozi wa serikali  haujaanza leo na umekuwa ukifanyika kwa muda sasa.  Kwa kipindi cha nyuma tumeshuhudia matukio haya kufanyika kwa wanasiasa, wanaharakati na waandishi wa habari lakini hivi karibuni matukio haya yamekuwa yakishamiri kwa wafanyabiashara. Matukio haya yamekuwa yakifanyika na watu wanaojitambulisha kama polisi wanaokuja kumkamatamtu lakini ndugu wanapofuatilia kwenye vituo vya polisi hawapewi taarifa zozote. Viongozi wa serikali wamekuwa wakitumia mamlaka yao vibaya kwa kutumia jeshi la polisi kutekeleza vitendo vya kukamata wafanyabiashara ili kutimiza malengo yao ya kisiasa na hata kwa sababu binafsi. Lakini pia wafanyabiashara wakubwa wenye fursa serikalini wanatumia maaskari kwa ajili ya utekaji ili kutimiza malengo yao binafsi. 

Serikali na jeshi la polisi wameshindwa kuweka mfumo salama kwa ajili ya raia na badala yake kutoka na majibu ambayo yanaonyesha kuwa wao ni mashahidi tosha wa matukio kadhaa. Kwa hali hii, wananchi sasa wanahusisha serikali moja kwa moja na matukio ya utekaji. Ili serikali ijisafishe inabidi iwatafute polisi wanaojihusisha na vitendo hivi viovu ili irudishe imani kwa wananchi. Pamoja na matukio ya watu wanaopotea kuongezeka hatujamuona Rais wala Waziri yeyote akilizungumzia swala hili. Vitendo vya utekaji vinaonyesha wazi kuwa kuna mambo ya giza ambayo yanaendelea nchini kwani kwenye nchi yenye utawala wa sheria haijalishi hata muuaji akipotea hawezi kupotezwa kwa sababu sheria inafuata mkondo wake. 


Wananchi hawapaswi kunyamaza kwasababu kunyamaza kutaongeza madhara ya utekaji kwa watu wengi. Hivyo, tusimame kwa umoja wetu kama wananchi tunaotaka taifa letu libadilike na tutumie njia ngumu za kimageuzi ikiwemo kupambania #KatibaMpya itakayofumua jeshi la polisi na kuziba mianya ya viongozi kufanya chochote kwa kutumia mali za umma wananvyojiskia. 

#ChangeTanzania   #WenyeNchiWananchi 


The kidnapping of citizens by government officials did not start today but has been taking place for some time now. In the past we have witnessed these events happening to politicians, activists and journalists but recently these events have been increasingly taking place on businessmen. These events have been undertaken with people who identify themselves as police officers but after the arrest has taken place the people arrested are nowhere to be found in any police stations and when follow up is made by the relatives of the disappeared persons very little cooperation is given by the police. It has been noted that government leaders have been abusing their power by using the police force to arrest businessmen to fulfill their political aims and even for personal reasons. But also, businessmen with certain privileges in the government have been using their influence to undertake kidnappings to fulfill their personal goals.


The government and the police force have failed to establish a safe system for the citizens and instead have often come out with insufficient answers that show that they are indeed witnesses to several kidnapping events. In this situation, citizens have now associated the government directly with kidnapping incidents. In order for the government to clear  its name and restore the people’s trust, it has to apprehend the police involved in the events of forced disappearances. With incidences of forced disappearances increasing by the day, we have not seen the President nor any Minister addressing on this issue. Incidences of forced disappearances only prove to show of evil things taking places behind closed curtains as in a country with the rule of law it does not matter even if the murderer goes missing, he cannot remain missing for long because the law follows its course.


Citizens should not remain silent because silence will only escalate the effects that forced disappearances have on the country. Let's stand united as citizens who want our change for the nation and be ready to use radical methods, including ones that will enable us to get a new Constitution that will dissolve the police force and close the loopholes that government leaders have been exploiting to misuse public assets as they see fit.

#ChangeTanzania   #WenyeNchiWananchi 

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