About Us

Who We Are

Change Tanzania is born of social media (Twitter) as a Hashtag moving Tanzanians to action.

Change Tanzania is a movement, a platform established to bring positive, sustainable change to Tanzania. The primary focus of Change Tanzania is the change of attitude (behavioral change) which seeks to positively empower every Tanzanian to feel that change of his/her environment is possible without external help or support. From this perspective it is a non-violent movement with a radical vision as it strives to change the value systems of Tanzania and steer the national psyche toward a sense of empowerment and channel the energy toward positive growth.


Our Vision

Change Tanzania aims to achieve an overall visionary change of the society and the nation as a whole. Change Tanzania is a mix of small community volunteerism up to national activism.

This movement aims to increase/create people’s awareness about their rights and responsibilities, to put pressure on development and equal opportunity in Tanzania; we have a new and accountable way of facing our country’s problems.

Our Mission

Through use of technology & volunteerism, we will empower networks of individuals, communities and organizations to self-organize and join together in a social movement for change and for good governance

Our Hashtag

Our hashtag #ChangeTanzania is a very active hashtag with recently over 13 million impressions in a week. It is one of Tanzania’s strongest and trusted campaign online tool for issues of national interest.

#ChangeTanzania is fact-driven with a strong sense of protecting rights, we stand for the voiceless and marginalized through advocating for issues that have impact on their lives, we do advocacy and challenge laws and policies that are deemed unfair or flawed. So far it is the only local hashtag with the feel of citizen ownership.

#ChangeTanzania is a people focused movement Change Tanzania has been around for over 5 years as a social media movement and more and more it is looking at formalizing and institutionalizing its activities. What makes Change Tanzania unique is that even actions that has happened under the hashtag has been a collaboration – and even with initiators it is deemed a collective action and no one can really claim ownership exclusively – success or failure! Our motto is about increasing the number of active citizens (not activists in the strictest term).

These are the “small group of thoughtful committed citizens” who have a day job and of different walks of lives who come together to make positive sustainable change in one particular area. We aim to make Change Tanzania relevant to citizens on the ground and government through online and offline engagement.

Our key tool for advocacy is online petitions. Change Tanzania has launched its own petition platform making the petition forms all in Kiswahili (with option of English). Visit Google Store and download our app.