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Afya Ni Mtaji, Kwa Nini CCM Inadhoofisha Huduma Hii?

#MariaSpaces  #WenyeNchiWananchi #KatibaMpya #ChangeTanzania 

Ongezeko la watu nchini inajumuisha uhitaji wa ongezeko la huduma ya afya pamoja na watoa huduma wa afya. Takwimu za Benki ya Dunia, kwa watu 1,000 upatikanaji wa madaktari ni 0.12 ikiwa na maana kwamba watu 10,000 wanahudumiwa na daktari 1. Kwa upande wa wataalamu kwa muujibu wa takwimu za taifa 2016 kwa watu 100,000 kuna wataalamu sifuri. Upatikanaji wa kitanda kwa wagonjwa 1,000 ni 0.7.


Uwiano huu unaonyesha jinsi gani hali ni mbaya kwenye sekta ya afya lakini mara nyingi seriakali imekua  tupo vizuri. Waziri wa afya Ummy amekuwa akiwanongopea wananchi kuwa mfuko wa taifa wa bima ya afya (NHIF) umekuwa ukiyumba kutokana na wachangiaji kuwa wachache lakini ukweli unajulikana kuwa serikali imekuwa ikikopa kutoka kwenye mfuko huu na fedha hii haitolewi mrejesho inatumikaje na inarudishwaje. 


Gharama za vifurushi vya bima ya afya bado zipo juu na watanzania wengi hawawezi kumudu gharama za bima ya afya.  Pamoja na gharama za vifurushi vya bima ya afya kuwa juu, bado mwananchi analazimika kutumia pesa yake kununua baadhi ya dawa au kulipia huduma ambazo hazilipiwi na bima, jambo ambalo limepelekea usumbufu na mzigo mkubwa kwa wananchi. Serikali ya CCM imeonekana kutokuwa na nia njema ya kustawawisha uhai wa wananchi wao, inakuwa upande wa wananchi pale tuu inapotaka kupata kura. 

Tumeona ikifuta bima ya watoto ya toto afya ambayo gharama yake ilikua nafuu na iliyoweza kumudiwa na watanzania wengi kwa misingi ya kuwa hakikuwa na faida. Hii imeacha wananchi wakijiuliza wenda serikali ipo kwa ajili ya kuhudumia wananchi wake ama kutengeneza faida kutoka kwa wananchi wake. Afya ni sekta nyeti hivyo kama wananchi tusiendelee kulala bali tufanye uamsho na kuelewesha wengine turudishe mamlaka kwa wananchi kama waamuzi wa mwisho kwenye kila kitu. 

#ChangeTanzania   #WenyeNchiWananchi 


The increase in population in the country entails the need for increased health care as well as health care providers. According to World Bank statistics, for 1,000 people, the availability of general physicians is at 0.12, which means that 10,000 people are served by 1physician. In terms of specialist surgical workforce, according to the 2016 national statistics there are zero professionals per 100,000 people. Availability of hospital beds per 1,000 patients is at 0.7. These ratios show how bad the situation is in the health sector, but at most times citizens are made to believe that things are well while on the ground things are worsening. The health Minister Ummy Mwalimu has been deceiving the people that the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) has been faltering due to the few contributors but the truth is known that the government has been borrowing from this fund and no account is given on how this money is used and how it is returned.


The cost of health insurance packages is still high making it hard for many Tanzanians to afford. Despite the high cost of health insurance packages, citizens also  get to incur extra costs to cover for services and medicine not covered by the insurance, something that has caused inconvenience and great burden to the citizens. The CCM government has revealed itself to have no good intentions of improving the lives of their citizens, as it only takes on the initiative as means to win votes.


We have seen the government cancel the Toto Afya Card which provided great relief to children's health as it could be afforded by many on the grounds that it was not profitable. This has left citizens questioning whether the government exists to serve its citizens or to make a profit from its citizens. Health sector is a sensitive sector, so as citizens, we should not continue to sleep, but we should wake up and make others understand the implications it will have to our nation and in turn join hands to demand for constitutional changes that will return power to the citizens as the last sayers in everything.

#ChangeTanzania   #WenyeNchiWananchi 

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